Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Revengers
Takemichi Hanagaki's life peaked during his second year of middle school, when he was surrounded by friends, respect, and even had a girlfriend. However, that was twelve years ago, and now he finds himself as a nobody, ridiculed by children and constantly apologizing to his younger boss. Just when things couldn't get worse, a shocking news report reveals the brutal murder of his only girlfriend and her brother by the infamous Tokyo Manji Gang. In a moment of despair, as a train approaches to end his miserable existence, Takemichi inexplicably travels back in time to that fateful day, twelve years prior, when he was still dating Hinata Tachibana.As he relives the day that set off his downward spiral, Takemichi meets Hinata's younger brother and, without hesitation, warns him of the impending tragedy. This interaction sends him spiraling back to the future, where he discovers he’s still alive and that the timeline has shifted. Realizing he has the power to change the past, Takemichi seizes the opportunity to prevent his ex-girlfriend's tragic fate at the hands of the Tokyo Manji Gang.Gledaj "Tokyo Revengers" na Balkanime sa prevodom na srpski besplatno i pridruži se Takemichijevom putovanju kroz vreme! Ne propusti priliku da saznaš kako će se njegov pokušaj da spasi prošlost odraziti na budućnost!